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Senior Primary (Ages 7-10)


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The Return of The Cat

It is a book published for children between from ages of five and above. It is aimed at drawing the attention of readers to the negative effects of laziness in life. It shows that a lazy person is his or her own greatest enemy. The experience of the cat should encourage children (and even adults) … The Return of The Cat Read More »

The Lost Kite

The story teaches children that disobedience to parents could lead to problems and great danger. Nkem asks his father to make him a kite. His father does but asks him not to take it to school. Nkem disobeys his father and takes it to school. He faces the consequence of being disobedient.

The Fall of Li

In this story, the tortoise is able to prove to the lion that strength is not measured by size. He defeats the lion in a fight and humiliates him in the presence of other animals. The tortoise takes home all the food that the lion has worked for.

The Clever Girl

Isioma is a clever girl. But she acts stupidly when she wants to prove her cleverness once again. She feels sad when her stupidity is revealed to her in the end. Do not be too forward.

Obi and the Pussy Cat

Obi’s mother buys another kitten for him. Obi is so happy. The kitten grows to become a beautiful female cat. She gives birth to kittens. Obi is so happy. There will be kittens to keep, sell and give to a friend.

Obi and the Kittens 2

Obi loves pussy cats and tells her mother to buy one for him. His mother buys a little kitten for him. Obi takes time to feed the kitten. He loves her and plays with the kitten always. The kitten grows big and mature to a male cat. One day, the cat leaves home and never … Obi and the Kittens 2 Read More »

Mother Finch and The Farmer

Mother Finch is a bird who lives in a tree on Mr. Ajayi’s farm. The farmer, Mr. Ajayi wants to cultivate his farm but decides to wait until the chicks are old enough to fly. Mother Finch is patient despite all the risks of losing her chicks when Mr. Ajayi decides to fell the trees. … Mother Finch and The Farmer Read More »

Listening to Mummy

This is a near-death experience of a small girl, Isioma, who is involved in an accident with her mother. She wants to be with her mother at all costs. Her refusal to leave her mother brought her and her mother back to life. It is a story of love for one’s mother.

History and Leadership Education 2

History and Leadership Education Book 2 is a history education book which delves into the political Developments in Nigeria; Inter-relationships of some centers of civilization in pre-colonial Nigeria; The geographical environment such as Ghana empire; Mali Empire and songhai Empire.


Fake Magician

Akpan is a fake magician. He performs fake magic. Some of his magic works because they are based on simple intelligence. One day he runs into trouble when his magic fails. He is arrested by the police. This story tells us that magic is all about trick and that it does not pay to be … Fake Magician Read More »

A tale of The Five Fingers

It is an adaptation of a folk tale to teach children between the ages of 5 - 14.

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