Mother Finch and The Farmer

Mother Finch is a bird who lives in a tree on Mr. Ajayi’s farm. The farmer, Mr. Ajayi wants to cultivate his farm but decides to wait until the chicks are old enough to fly. Mother Finch is patient despite all the risks of losing her chicks when Mr. Ajayi decides to fell the trees. Eventually, the chicks are mature and all fly away. It is good to be patient in every situation.



Mother Finch is a bird who lives in a tree on Mr. Ajayi’s farm. The farmer, Mr. Ajayi wants to cultivate his farm but decides to wait until the chicks are old enough to fly. Mother Finch is patient despite all the risks of losing her chicks when Mr. Ajayi decides to fell the trees. Eventually, the chicks are mature and all fly away. It is good to be patient in every situation.

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