The Last of all Trials

Humankind seems forever doomed. Danger looms as cataclysm dangles on the
human race like the proverbial sword of Damocles. Then the Supreme Universal
The court, as a matter of ultimate emergency, sits to try some notoriously infamous
accused persons. The outcome of the trial determines the future of humankind.
This thrilling play employs many literary techniques such as sarcasm, irony,
hyperbole, and many more as witnesses are being led in evidence and cross-examined.

Lo and behold! Humankind is rescued at last from doom as a result of
this trial in which the Almighty God Himself is the Judge.



Humankind seems forever doomed. Danger looms as cataclysm dangles on the
human race like the proverbial sword of Damocles. Then the Supreme Universal
The court, as a matter of ultimate emergency, sits to try some notoriously infamous
accused persons. The outcome of the trial determines the future of humankind.
This thrilling play employs many literary techniques such as sarcasm, irony,
hyperbole, and many more as witnesses are being led in evidence and cross-examined.

Lo and behold! Humankind is rescued at last from doom as a result of
this trial in which the Almighty God Himself is the Judge.

RASDA is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization with an unquantifiable passion for the promotion of reading culture in Africa.



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