Rebuilding a Failed School System

Are you interested in the state of Nigerian education? Do you wonder if, and how quality assurance can be restored to education in Nigeria? This book, Rebuilding a Failed School System, expounds on topics such as the state of Nigerian education; life after schooling; remedial study centers; tutorial and correspondence courses; the restoration of functional administrative structures; professionalism; the making of a teacher; and strategy for recovery. Rebuilding a Failed School System is a masterpiece; captivating from the beginning to the end. The point size and face are adequate for all ages. The format and production are perfect. The text is written in simple English, and spiced with history, news, emotions, witty stories, and pragmatic ideas to enable the reader to digest the information therein as well as take a decision. Who could author this masterpiece on education in Nigeria but a seasoned Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Education, A.M. Fagbulu? Rebuilding a Failed School System is recommended to the President of the Federation of Nigeria, State Governors, Chairmen of Local Governments, Politicians of repute, Officials of Ministries of Education nationwide, School Administrators, Teachers, and Teachers-in-training, School Proprietors and avid readers all over the world.



Are you interested in the state of Nigerian education? Do you wonder if, and how quality assurance can be restored to education in Nigeria? This book, Rebuilding a Failed School System, expounds on topics such as the state of Nigerian education; life after schooling; remedial study centers; tutorial and correspondence courses; the restoration of functional administrative structures; professionalism; the making of a teacher; and strategy for recovery. Rebuilding a Failed School System is a masterpiece; captivating from the beginning to the end. The point size and face are adequate for all ages. The format and production are perfect. The text is written in simple English, and spiced with history, news, emotions, witty stories, and pragmatic ideas to enable the reader to digest the information therein as well as take a decision. Who could author this masterpiece on education in Nigeria but a seasoned Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Education, A.M. Fagbulu? Rebuilding a Failed School System is recommended to the President of the Federation of Nigeria, State Governors, Chairmen of Local Governments, Politicians of repute, Officials of Ministries of Education nationwide, School Administrators, Teachers, and Teachers-in-training, School Proprietors and avid readers all over the world.

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