Everything A Teenage Girl Should Know

Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know exposes teenage girls and those approaching the teenage age to all the changes they should expect in their bodies and in their thinking and perception of themselves and even those around them. The book tries to explain to girls the dangers of myths and old wives’ tales that endanger the lives of young adults. Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know is indeed a good resource for young girls and even their parents.



Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know exposes teenage girls and those approaching the teenage age to all the changes they should expect in their bodies and in their thinking and perception of themselves and even those around them. The book tries to explain to girls the dangers of myths and old wives’ tales that endanger the lives of young adults. Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know is indeed a good resource for young girls and even their parents.

RASDA is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization with an unquantifiable passion for the promotion of reading culture in Africa.



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