The Country I Love announces the birth of a precocious new talent. Written, almost
unbelievably, by a 14-year-old school girl, Iyeyinka Omigbodun, the book astonishes
of its maturity of vision, its technical adventurousness, and craftsmanship, It’s easy
fluency In the use of language. It simply blows my mind that Iyeyinka should so
early display such boldness and sophistication In the recourse to multiple voices,
each of which is perfectly credible; and then, through this, show an understanding
of the inevitable contradictions and complexities that accompany the choices that
each Individual makes In life, especially where these relate to such questions as
love and loyalty, betrayal and patriotism. I am convinced-from the evidence of this
book, Iyeyinka is destined to soar among the very best In our Literary firmament.

The Country I Love
The Country I Love announces the birth of a precocious new talent. Written, almost
unbelievably, by a 14-year-old school girl, Iyeyinka Omigbodun, the book astonishes
of its maturity of vision, its technical adventurousness, and craftsmanship, It’s easy
fluency In the use of language. It simply blows my mind that Iyeyinka should so
early display such boldness and sophistication In the recourse to multiple voices,
each of which is perfectly credible; and then, through this, show an understanding
of the inevitable contradictions and complexities that accompany the choices that
each Individual makes In life, especially where these relate to such questions as
love and loyalty, betrayal and patriotism. I am convinced-from the evidence of this
book, Iyeyinka is destined to soar among the very best In our Literary firmament.
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