The Sly Guy

The Sly Guy is an intriguing story of a young, handsome guy called Sly, who every
girl would want to be friends with. However, beneath the smooth and suave
appearance of Sly, lies a very crafty and devious man. Chichi and Ngozi have an
encounter with Sly and a lot of things begin to unfold.



The Sly Guy is an intriguing story of a young, handsome guy called Sly, who every
girl would want to be friends with. However, beneath the smooth and suave
appearance of Sly, lies a very crafty and devious man. Chichi and Ngozi have an
encounter with Sly and a lot of things begin to unfold.

RASDA is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization with an unquantifiable passion for the promotion of reading culture in Africa.



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